Well as you know I have been doing some xbox hacking lately. I was looking for the latest build of XBMC for the xbox and I came across T3CH’s Site Which did have the latest build. I was happy to find this because there were some good updates that I previously didn’t have. When I started poking around I was looking through the skins and found something called Mediastream. I had no idea what this skin was, so I looked into it. I found out that this was a skin developed by some guys in the UK and it was an awesome looking skin. Here is a couple screen-shots from their site:
All in all it’s awesome to say the least. Definitely revamped my interest in doing modded xbox and using XBMC. I showed my brother and now he wants one so I am going to do one for him as well. I am still working on my xbox -> 360 hack but I have a feeling that will take a bit longer. I have some picture and I’ll post them up in the projects section. I also need to get some motivation to get some of the other projects that had from the old site ported over.